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Every Stitch Counts Let’s Stitch Out Child Labor from Keraniganj’s RMG

Every Stitch Counts | Let’s Stitch Out Child Labor from Keraniganj’s RMG

Our ongoing efforts to eliminate child labor from the local RMG sector in Keraniganj have been marked by a series of strategic activities aimed at raising awareness, fostering collaboration, and implementing targeted interventions. Bangladesh Labour Foundation – BLF and Department of Inspection for the Factories and Establishment (DIFE) jointly together with local and national stakeholders are

Every Stitch Counts | Let’s Stitch Out Child Labor from Keraniganj’s RMG Read More »

Empowering Voices, Fostering Respect Our RMG, Harassment-Free Zone

Empowering Voices, Fostering Respect | Our RMG, Harassment-Free Zone

Continuity of our ongoing engagement for a violence free workplace in the Readymade Garment Sector in Bangladesh, comprehensive Anti Harassment Committee training has been conducted in different RMG workplace. We focused on — Understanding and Identifying Harassment- Creating a Safe and Inclusive Workplace- Reporting Procedures and Confidentiality  Thank you to all participants for your active engagement!

Empowering Voices, Fostering Respect | Our RMG, Harassment-Free Zone Read More »

A Recap of our Occupational Health and Safety Training Program

A Recap of our Occupational Health and Safety Training Program

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who participated in the recent training program on Occupational Health and Safety, Skills Development, and Leadership organized by Bangladesh Labour Foundation!  Key Highlights:Engaging sessions on Occupational Health and Safety protocolsSkill enhancement workshops tailored to your professional needsEmpowering discussions on leadership for women, men, and youth  Our Amazing Trainers:A special

A Recap of our Occupational Health and Safety Training Program Read More »

Towards a Just Transition of the Apparel Sector of Bangladesh Addressing the Need for Skill Development

Towards a Just Transition of the Apparel Sector of Bangladesh Addressing the Need for Skill Development

Navigating Change: A Just Transition for Bangladesh’s Apparel Sector through Skill Development  The apparel sector in Bangladesh has long been a cornerstone of our economy, providing livelihoods to millions. As we embark on a journey towards sustainability and resilience, it’s crucial to ensure a just transition. Bangladesh Labour Foundation – BLF believe that addressing the need

Towards a Just Transition of the Apparel Sector of Bangladesh Addressing the Need for Skill Development Read More »

Introducing the Anti-Harassment Committee in Bangladesh's RMG Sector

Introducing the Anti-Harassment Committee in Bangladesh’s RMG Sector

In association with GIZ and Fair Wear Foundation, Bangladesh Labour Foundation – BLF are taking a proactive step towards fostering a workplace free from harassment in the Ready-Made Garment (RMG) sector in Bangladesh. We are excited to introduce the Anti-Harassment Committee, dedicated to promoting a culture of respect, dignity, and equality. Get Involved! Use RespectAtWork to

Introducing the Anti-Harassment Committee in Bangladesh’s RMG Sector Read More »

Shaping a Better Future Championing Decent Work at BLF

Shaping A Better Future: Championing Decent Work at BLF

At Bangladesh Labour Foundation – BLF, we are committed to fostering an environment where decent work is not just a goal but a fundamental principle. Our holistic approach revolves around three pillars: Occupational Safety and Health (OSH), eradicating Child Labor, and combating Gender-Based Violence (GBV). Our holistic approach does not operate in silos. By integrating OSH,

Shaping A Better Future: Championing Decent Work at BLF Read More »

Workshop on the roles of federations in just transition

Workshop on the roles of federations in just transition, green energy and environmental sustainability in the Bangladesh RMG industry

Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) Bangladesh hosted a workshop on exploring roles of federations in just transition, green energy, and environmental sustainability in the Bangladesh RMG industry. Just Transition is much needed for achieving the roadmap of SGDs 2030. When it comes to the Apparel Sector of Bangladesh, it is even more critical where sector is moving

Workshop on the roles of federations in just transition, green energy and environmental sustainability in the Bangladesh RMG industry Read More »