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Just Tansition in Leather Sector in Bangladesh

Just Tansition in Leather Sector in Bangladesh | Trade Unions role is much important for workers wellbeing for better future

The workshop on Just Transition in the Leather Sector in Bangladesh and role of tanneryworkersunion held with an objective to develop unions role for Justified Transition of the Workers engaged in the sector. In the context of the tannery sector, a just transition would involve moving towards more sustainable and environmentally friendly practices while addressing […]

Just Tansition in Leather Sector in Bangladesh | Trade Unions role is much important for workers wellbeing for better future Read More »

A K M Ashraf Uddin, Executive Director of Bangladesh Labour Foundation recently visited the Nepal GoodWeave Foundation and GoodWeave Certification Nepal.

A K M Ashraf Uddin, Executive Director of Bangladesh Labour Foundation recently visited the Nepal GoodWeave Foundation and GoodWeave Certification Nepal.

In a recent visit to Nepal GoodWeave Foundation and GoodWeave Certification Nepal, A K M Ashraf Uddin, Executive Director of Bangladesh Labour Foundation, witnessed firsthand the commendable efforts of these organizations in creating a supply chain free from child labour. The commitment to accountability from both suppliers and purchasers is a noteworthy step towards ensuring ethical

A K M Ashraf Uddin, Executive Director of Bangladesh Labour Foundation recently visited the Nepal GoodWeave Foundation and GoodWeave Certification Nepal. Read More »

Review meeting with the progress of National Plan of Action to Eliminate Child Labour from Keraniganj

Review meeting with the progress of National Plan of Action to Eliminate Child Labour from Keraniganj

Ministry of Labour and Employment, GoB called upon a meeting to review and build a future strategic plan to Eliminate Child Labour from Keraniganj Informal Apparel Sector. The meeting was presided by Md. Towfiqul Arif, Additional Secretary, Labour Wing, Ministry of Labour and Employment, GoB where different sectional officers from ministry and Department of Inspection

Review meeting with the progress of National Plan of Action to Eliminate Child Labour from Keraniganj Read More »

Uniting for Change in South and South East Asia to End Child Labor through Area-Based Approaches

Uniting for Change in South and South East Asia to End Child Labor through Area-Based Approaches

South Asia and South East Asia regional symposium on promoting the area-based approach to eliminate child labor. Held in Kathmandu. The symposium witnessed diverse participation including CSO representations from Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Vietnam, the Nepal government, trade unions, and the private sector. The symposium sparked powerful discussions on the role of different stakeholders, learnings, and

Uniting for Change in South and South East Asia to End Child Labor through Area-Based Approaches Read More »

Developing a SMART roadmap can only make a union more stronger to achieve its objectives

Developing a SMART roadmap can only make a union more stronger to achieve its objectives

Tannery Workers Union in association with Bangladesh Labour Foudnation organised a planning workshop to set up its future goals and objectives in a SMART way. Bangladesh Labour Foundation has been working with the union since long for its better institutionalisation and future leadership development. A ample number of young and female potential leaders participated in the

Developing a SMART roadmap can only make a union more stronger to achieve its objectives Read More »

International Human Rights Day

International Human Rights Day 2023 | Freedom, Equality and Justice for All

International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women 2023 : UNITE! Invest to prevent violence against women and girls “নারীর জন্য বিনিয়োগ, সহিংসতা প্রতিরোধ” Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF) has actively observed the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence. This campaign, ran from November 25th to December 10th, encompasses to raising awareness and taking action against

International Human Rights Day 2023 | Freedom, Equality and Justice for All Read More »

Just Transition in the Apparel Sector in Bangladesh and Roal of Trade Union Leaders

Just Transition in the Apparel Sector in Bangladesh and Roal of Trade Union Leaders

Youth and Women Leaders from different trade unions federations of Bangladesh Readymade Garment Sector gathered today for an impactful workshop addressing the imperative theme of “Just Transition and the Role of Trade Unions.” The workshop provided a collaborative space for participants to explore strategies, share insights, and develop a collective understanding of the critical role

Just Transition in the Apparel Sector in Bangladesh and Roal of Trade Union Leaders Read More »

Enact law to prevent sexual harassment at workplace

Enact law to prevent sexual harassment at workplace

Enact law to prevent sexual harassment at workplace – Gender Platform Bangladesh, a platform of 13 women’s rights organisations demands at a press conference. The government should take initiatives including enacting laws to protect women from workplace sexual harassment, women’s rights bodies said on Saturday. Besides, the government should ensure the implementation of the 11 directives of

Enact law to prevent sexual harassment at workplace Read More »

International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women 2023

International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women 2023

Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF) and Gender Platform Bangladesh collaboratively hosted a thought-provoking round table discussion, shedding light on the “Hon’ble High Court Verdict on Sexual Harassment, Necessity of enacting Law to Prevent Gender-Based Violence (GBV), and Ratification of ILO Convention-190 at Workplace.” The event took place in commemoration of the 16 Days of Activism against

International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women 2023 Read More »