Training for the Safety Committee on operational knowledge and skills | Saver

Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF) organized one day-long non-residential training on operational knowledge and skills for Safety Committee members with the financial and technical support of The Asia Foundation

Factory: Amin Tannery Ltd, Al-Modina Tannery. Superior Leather Industry Ltd and Chinese Leather
Tanneries Ltd.
Objective: The main objective of the training is to increase the knowledge and build the capacity of the safety committee as per Bangladesh Labour Act 2006 and Bangladesh Labour Rules 2015.
Topic covered: Basic concept of safety committee, Safety Committee formation and responsibility, write meeting proceedings under the guidance of safety committee basic concept of Occupational Safety and Health, Building Safety, Risk assessment, and Steps and Activities of the Safety Committee and support.
Major outcomes: At the end of the training participants are able to prepare how to write meeting minutes and risk assessment at the factory level.
Apart from the program team Mahmudul Hasa Khan, Deputy Director (program), BLF. Abul Kalam Azad, President, Tannery Workers Union, Jahir Uddin Sarker, project director, Anjuman Trading Corporation, and Mehedi Hasan, DIG (Health), Department of Inspection for Factories and Establishment (DIFE) were presented in the training as guest facilitators.
Venue: Anjuman Trading Corporation Ltd. Training Room, TIE, Savar, Dhaka

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