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Bangladesh is the second highest RMG exporter in the world and contributing 7.87% of the national GDP and 81.29% of the country’s exports in FY2024. Beyond exports, the local RMG industry in Keraniganj plays a crucial role, housing more than 287 towers, 7,500 factories and 8,500 showrooms and supplies 80% of the domestic market’s denim and woven goods while employing around 254,000 workers. However, this sector operates informally, lacking regulatory oversight on wages, contracts, working hours, and occupational safety. Women workers face gender-based violence (GBV) at both workplaces and living areas, while child labour remains widespread—47% of workers in Keraniganj’s garment factories are aged 5-17 (TBS, 2023). At this point, the government has prepared a two-year National Plan of Action (NPA) to end child labor in local RMG by 2023. With the assistance of the Department of Inspection for Factories and Establishment (DIFE), to make a smooth implementation of this NPA, Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF) has initiated a project with the objective of reducing child labour from this area through a series of tower-based advocacy meetings, awareness sessions, trainings and workshops. The project is funded and supported by Mondial FNV.


Improving Labour Standards by Eliminating Child Labour which leads Local RMG Industries to get recognition for a Decent and Violence free Work Environment

Development Partner

Mondiaal FNV


Keraniganj, Dhaka


July, 2023 - December 2025


Bangladesh is the second highest RMG exporter in the world and contributing 7.87% of the national GDP and 81.29% of the country’s exports in FY2024. Beyond exports, the local RMG industry in Keraniganj plays a crucial role, housing more than 287 towers, 7,500 factories and 8,500 showrooms and supplies 80% of the domestic market’s denim and woven goods while employing around 254,000 workers. However, this sector operates informally, lacking regulatory oversight on wages, contracts, working hours, and occupational safety. Women workers face gender-based violence (GBV) at both workplaces and living areas, while child labour remains widespread—47% of workers in Keraniganj’s garment factories are aged 5-17 (TBS, 2023). At this point, the government has prepared a two-year National Plan of Action (NPA) to end child labor in local RMG by 2023. With the assistance of the Department of Inspection for Factories and Establishment (DIFE), to make a smooth implementation of this NPA, Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF) has initiated a project with the objective of reducing child labour from this area through a series of tower-based advocacy meetings, awareness sessions, trainings and workshops. The project is funded and supported by Mondial FNV.



Major Activities


Readymade Garments (Local)

Thematic Area

Child Labour

SDG 8.7

Informal Work

Awareness & Capacity Building

Decent Work

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    Implementation of Minimum Wage in the Tannery Sector through Advocacy, Awareness, Capacity, Strategy and Monitoring

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    Bangladesh is facing challenges to prevent child labour. Moreover, the COVID-19 situation has significantly contributed to increasing children’s engagement as labourers in different sectors. The Bangladesh Labour Foundation, from its working experience and other studies, confirmed that many children work in the downstream RMG industries and are victims of exploitation and discrimination.Children in Bangladesh are subjected to the worst forms of child labour, performing dangerous tasks in different sectors like garment factories, industries, construction, transport, etc. Despite the significant success of the government of Bangladesh, it remains challenging to ensure fundamental human rights for children, particularly poor children. The local RMG factories are running without formal rules and regulations. In the absence of legal statutes, a large number of child labourers are exploited here. To mitigate the challenges, along with the government, the Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF) has been working to combat child labour in the Keraniganj downstream RMG industries. BLF commissioned this study to identify the number of child workers in Keraniganj and their socio-economic status.



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    Home-based workers in RMG Supplychain

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