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Increase Awareness OHS & Organizing Capacity Shoe & Leather Workers Bangladesh


Tannery workers are the worst sufferers and endure hostile environmental conditions. Workers usually handle chemicals with open hands and do not wear any gloves. The workers suffer from various health problems and illnesses like skin diseases, diarrhea, jaundice, fever, kidney problems, etc. The chemicals used in the tanning process can cause cancers of the lungs, nose, and bladder. According to Society for Environment and Human Development survey in 2014, 58 percent of tannery workers suffer from gastritis or ulcers, 31 percent suffer from skin diseases, and 10.6 percent suffer from rheumatic fever – all of which are far higher percentages compared to Bangladesh’s general population. At least 90 percent of the Hazaribagh tannery workers die before they reach the age of 50 due to an unhygienic working environment. The toxic threat of the tanneries isn’t just limited to the workers. About 22,000 cubic meters of environmentally hazardous liquid waste is emitted from them every day, flowing into the Buriganga River, Dhaka’s main waterway which eventually made the environment of Dhaka in much danger.

Project Components

Capacity development, Awareness Raising


Hazaribag, Dhaka


Mondiaal FNV


August, 2013 - December 2017

Projects List