MoU Signing between BLF, ETI & BFLLFEA

A Memorandum of Understanding signing ceremony was for the environmental improvement of the tannery industry was held on November 03, 2024 evening, at Hotel Pan Pacific Sonargaon, Dhaka. Bangladesh Labor Foundation (BLF), Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) Bangladesh and Bangladesh Finished Leather, Leather Goods and Footwear Exporters Association (BFLLFEA), has signed in the tripartite agreement. 
Aiming to tackle the ongoing environmental challenges of the tannery industry, the project ‘Improving Environmental and Social Conditions in the Savar Tannery Estate, Bangladesh’, is being implemented by ETI UK, ETI Bangladesh, Bangladesh Labor Foundation and Mondiaal FNV. To ensure the effectiveness of the project implementations, the MoU signing ceremony took place.
The aim of this project is to contribute to the development of an economically and environmentally sustainable leather industry in Bangladesh by promoting adherence to international standards, business ethics practices and environmental responsibility by reducing the environmental pollution and pollution impact of Savar’s tanneries.
Through this agreement, the initiatives will be put in place to ensure the occupational health and safety of Savar tanneries’ employees and obtain accreditation from the Leather Working Group (LWG). In this ceremony, the representatives of Bangladesh Labor Foundation, ETI UK, BFLLFEA, Mondiaal FNV, ETI Bangladesh and tannery factory owners participated in this event.

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