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Establishing an effective Social Compliance platform and ensuring labour standards for workers towards to achieve LWG certification in the Leather value chain in Bangladesh


The Bangladeshi leather industry, which holds the second position in terms of export earnings, has significant consequences. However, the factories at the Estate cannot export leather goods to reputable international brands due to a lack of necessary certification from the Leather Working Group (LWG).

The Bangladesh Labour Foundation, supported by Mondiaal FNV, implemented this project in the Tannery Industrial Estate (TIE), Hazaribag & Savar, Dhaka from April 2022 to May 2023. The goal of the project is to strengthen the Trade Union (TU) to ensure social compliance in the context of workers’ rights. Moreover, the aim is to improve the living and working conditions to achieve LWG Certification and increased exports in the leather industry of Bangladesh through effective social dialogue and advocacy. This project aims to ensure that the government, buyers, and stakeholders involved engage in ensuring compliance to promote and achieve a decent working environment, thus maintaining proper labor standards for tannery workers in Bangladesh. BLF has been recognized by stakeholders not only as a workers’ support organization but also as an organization that works for industrial growth and sustainability.


  • Social Compliance establishment through the social dialogue, advocacy and capacity building of factory workers.
  • Strengthen Trade Unions through youth development and organized the ununionised factories.
  • Improve working conditions through better OSH practices by the workers & owners and a gender-based, violence-free workplace.

Project Components

Organising, FoA, Young and Women Leadership, Occupational Health & Safety, Fire Safety, Gender-Based Violence, Social Dialogue for Achieving LWG Certification and SDG Goals.


Hazaribag and Savar, Dhaka


Mondiaal FNV


April 2022 - May 2023

Stakeholders: Tannery workers, TWU, Related NGOs & CSOs, BTA & BFLLFEA, Union Parishad & Upazila Parishad, MoLE & MoI, DoL & DIFE, BSCIC.

LWG: This certification would streamline the exporting of leather goods to prominent international companies. the lack of certification means the companies cannot get a good price for the hide.

Project Intervenes: 50 tanneries out of 137, and the total number of beneficiaries is 2370 (Direct 1121, indirect 1250). This project has taken nine capacity-building initiatives, with 176 beneficiaries (110 males, 66 females). Additionally, 270 awareness-raising sessions have been conducted involving 1924 beneficiaries, of whom 74.38% were male and 25.62% were female.

Key Outcome: 10 Safety Committee has been formed where Accident Register, Safety Committee Members List has been introduced. 25 factories workplace condition has been improved. The trained peer group members are now facilitating different training and awareness sessions independently. A National Plan of Action has been initiated and approved by the government through advocacy and social dialogue activities where BLF is working as the secretariat of this committee.

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