Candle Light Ceremony Against Gender Based Violence

Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF) started the campaign towards 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence With.....

Fire Safety Training on Keraniganj

A comprehensive training session on Fire Safety and a Fire Drill with the tower-based safety committee in Keraniganj was.....

Training on Reproductive Health and Personal Hygiene for Home-Based RMG

Training on Reproductive Health and Personal Hygiene for Home-Based RMG workers was conducted by Bangladesh Labour.....

Inspection Checklist Training for the factory level supervisors

Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF) in association with Department of Inspection for the Factories and Establishments.....

Discussion on “COP- 29: Our Expectations”

Bangladesh Labour Foundation has arranged a discussion on “COP 29 Climate Conference 2024: What are we expecting?” in.....

MoU Signing between BLF, ETI & BFLLFEA

A Memorandum of Understanding signing ceremony was for the environmental improvement of the tannery industry was held on.....

Study Circle Leadership Training for home based RMG workers

A Study Circle Leadership Training for home based RMG workers was conducted by Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF) with.....

MoU Signing Ceremony between BLF & BTA

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between the Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF) and the Bangladesh Tanners.....