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Bangladesh Labour Foundation

Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF) is a non-government; non-profit; non-partisan organization represents the interest of the working people in Bangladesh. BLF works for the welfare of workers, working people, professionals, women, children, employee and families by undertaking various programs and projects. We share a common determination to organize, to defend human rights and labour standards in Bangladesh, and to promote the growth of trade unions for the benefit of all working men and women and their families. BLF is committed to protect of the rights of all workers, create a productive and economic independent society that’s free from poverty, discrimination and where people can exercise their basic social and human rights, social justice through activities that focus on youth and women, children and working people of Bangladesh. BLF established in 2001 and Registered with NGO Affairs Bureau, Department of Social Welfare and Directorates of Youth and Sports.

What We do


BLF visualize a society where the dignity and status would be determined by labour and disadvantaged with their capacities, attitudes and practices

Abdus Salam Khan




Staff Capacity Building Training on “Bangladesh Labour Laws and Rules”

A staff capacity building training on ‘Bangladesh Labour Laws and Rules’ was arranged by the  Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF) on June 28-29, 2024, at the conference hall of BLF. Staff capacity is one of the top priority areas for the Bangladesh Labour Foundation, and we are constantly...
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Staff Capacity Building Training on “Technological Transition in the Apparel Sector of Bangladesh and the Necessity of Just Transition for the Workers.”

The apparel sector in Bangladesh is considered the backbone of our economy. It has significantly boosted foreign currency earnings and created job opportunities, especially for women. However, recent rapid technological transitions in this sector are causing job losses due to skill gaps among...
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Dialogue on Technology Transition: Necessity of Just Transition for the workers

Textile sector of Bangladesh is facing drastic technological transition for the last few years. Modern automated machines are taking places of physical labour. The workers of this sector do not have enough skills or alternative job to face these technological transition. On the other hand golobal...
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Stop Violence and Harassement Against Women in the Workplace

Women around the world are disproportionately impacted by gender based violence in the workplace BLF has taken different activities to ensure women’s rights, gender equality and a safe workplace for them.
