Labour Secretary Visited in Keraniganj Local RMG

Honorable Secretary, Ministry of Labour and Employment, GoB Md. Ehsan E Elahi visited Keraniganj Local RMG Industrial.....

Stakeholders meeting aiming “Elimination of Child Labour from Keraniganj”

A Stakeholders meeting aiming “Elimination of Child Labour from Keraniganj” was jointly organized by Bangladesh Labour.....

ToT on Leadership, Collective Bargaining & Negotiation, OSH, Labour Law and GBV for Cadre of Young Workers of the Tannery Industry

With the financial and technical support of The Asia Foundation (TAF), Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF) organized a 3.....

Stakeholders Meeting on Elimination of Child Labour from Local RMG in Keraniganj

Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF) and Department of Inspection for Factories and Establishment (DIFE) jointly organized.....

BLF Observed International Human Rights Day 2021

On the occasion of International Human Rights Day on 10th December 2021 at different working areas of BLF with the theme.....

International Anti-Corruption Day 2021 Observed

Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF) along with other development organization participated human chain under the.....

2nd Meeting for Reviewing the Action Plan Towards to Achieve Social Compliance in the Tannery Industry

Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF) organized 2nd Meeting for reviewing the Action Plan towards to achieve social.....

Observed International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women in Keraniganj, Dhaka

Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF) organized a rally as a part of observation of 16 Days Activism Against Gender Based.....