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Inaugural Ceremony of “Implementation of National Plan of Action (NPA) towards achieving Social Compliance in the Tannery Industrial Estate (TIE)”

The Department of Inspection for Factories and Establishment (DIFE) and Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF) have jointly organized the Inaugural Ceremony of “Implementation of National Plan of Action (NPA) towards achieving Social Compliance in the Tannery Industrial Estate (TIE)” on 25th April 2022. Begum Monnujan Sufian, MP, Hon’ble State Minister, Ministry of Labour and Employment has graced the session as the Chief Guest. She said that this integrated action plan has been developed to lead Bangladesh to the list of top 10 countries in leather export by 2025 through obtaining LWG certification, skilled human resources, environmental management, social compliance, and sustainable sector. This action plan has been approved by the Ministry of Labor and Employment. Hon’ble State Minister requested all the development partners and all the owners of the leather industry to assist in the implementation of this action plan. He thanked Bangladesh Labour Foundation for initiating the process of developing the NPA and urged to continue its support to implement it.

Md. Ehsan-E-Elahi, Secretary, Ministry of Labour and Employment; Shaheen Ahmed, Chairman, Bangladesh Tanners Association; Maurice Brooks, Officer-in-Charge (OIC) of ILO Office, Bangladesh, and Bas Blaauw, First Secretary (Economic Affairs & RMG), Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands was present as special guests of this event. The program was chaired by Md. Nasir Uddin Ahmed, Inspector General, Department of Inspection for Factories and Establishment (DIFE) and moderated by Z M Kamrul Anam, Secretary General, Bangladesh Labour Foundation.

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