Multi-actor partnership for improved Due Diligence Implementation in the Textile Sector via worker and community-based monitoring
Development Partner
WageIndicator Foundation
March, 2024- December 2025
The ready-made garment (RMG) industry is the topnotch and the most prestigious industrial sector in Bangladesh. Since its establishment in the 1980s, Bangladesh’s garment industry has grown to become its main economic sector. According to the Export promotion Bureau (EPB), Bangladesh has collected US$37.71 billion export earnings between January and November of 2024 and a 7.23% increase in the GDP, which makes a remarkable contribution within the overall economy of Bangladesh. According to LightCastle Partners there are over 4.60 million workers in the RMG sector (May,2024), majority of them are women.
Although the textile and apparel industry of Bangladesh has created its standard in home and abroad, the industry is facing significant challenges, primarily due to the limitations arising from inadequate human rights protections and insufficient risk management within factories. The gender-based violence, excessive overtime, lack of social benefits, infringement of the freedom of organization, and the right to collective bargaining are acute within the apparel industry. Apart from that the working environment is highly degrading here because of the heavy metals, microplastics, and other solid as well as liquid industrial wastes. Trade Unions have tried to address the environmental and human rights threats toward the employer and the community, but in most cases, unions frequently have limited capability.
Ashulia is the home of a growing number of vertically integrated factories, with approximately 435 factories located in the region. These factories face significant challenges related to human rights degradation and environmental risks. To address such challenges, Environment and Social Development Organization (ESDO), Bangladesh Institute of Labor Studies (BILS) and Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF) have initiated the project. The project is funded by the German sponsors FEMNET e.V., HEJSupport, INKOTA-netzwerk and SรDWIND-Institut.
- Improve the working conditions of RMG workers and reduce the health and environmental hazards posed by textile factories to communities in Bangladesh.
- Local project partners, trade unions and residents of communities are empowered to use CBM or WBM approaches to demand accountability from local authorities, factories and purchasing companies.
- A multi-actor partnership (MAP) has been formed, involving local partners, trade unions, communities, and key stakeholders (business, government, academia) to address environmental damage and labor rights violations in the RMG sector.
- Dialogue structures in Germany have been strengthened and expanded with new networks. Companies and standard organizations now recognize CBM/WBM as effective best-practice models.
- To develop a joint strategy to address labor rights violations and environmental and health impacts at the community level, with systematic progress reviews.
- Using WBM and CBM techniques, local communities including employees and residentsโare empowered to recognize, record, and promote against environmental hazards and breaches of labour rights.
- Factories may improve due diligence practices by incorporating community feedback and monitoring data into supply chain strategies, and will develop long-term strategies to minimize environmental and health damages for the wellbeing of workers and communities.
Major Activities
- Map factories to identify key sites for surveys and interventions.
- Collect data from selected 50 factories using the Decent Work Check (DWC) to assess compliance. (Survey will be conducted into two phases. To check the corrective measures a cross-sectional study will be done in the afterward year)
- Develop and pilot environmental and health surveys in Ashulia communities, compile findings into a report, and share the results.
- Support trade unions in using WBM results for advocacy and negotiations for making concrete demands to the factory management.
- Create and distribute educational materials for trade unions and organize capacity-building workshops on WBM and CB practices.
Readymade Garments (Export)