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BLF’s monthly NPA working committee meeting with DIFE

Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF) has attended the monthly National Plan of Action (NPA) Working Committee meeting with the Department of Inspection for Factories and Establishments (DIFE). On August 25, 2024, officials from the BLF’s Keraniganj and Tannery projects participated in the meeting at the DIFE office, Dhaka.During the meeting, the progress of work related to

BLF’s monthly NPA working committee meeting with DIFE Read More »

Exposure visit between the Keraniganj & Savar trade union leaders

An exposure visit between the trade union leaders of the Keraniganj garment industry and the trade union leaders of the Savar tannery industry was organized by the Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF).On August 21, 2024, the trade unions shared their experiences, activity processes, challenges, successes, etc., with each other. Through this knowledge-sharing process, the trade unions

Exposure visit between the Keraniganj & Savar trade union leaders Read More »

Workshop with Cluster-Based Basic Trade Union Leaders on Technology Transition in the Apparel Sector of Bangladesh & Necessity of Just Transition

On August 17, 2024, a daylong workshop titled “Workshop with Cluster-Based Basic Trade Union Leaders on Technology Transition in the Apparel Sector of Bangladesh and Necessity of Just Transition” took place at CCDB Hope Foundation in Ashulia, Dhaka. The participants were from local level basic trade union leaders from Tongi and Gazipur of various Trade

Workshop with Cluster-Based Basic Trade Union Leaders on Technology Transition in the Apparel Sector of Bangladesh & Necessity of Just Transition Read More »

Workshop for Empowering Basic Trade Union Leaders for a Just Transition!

Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF), supported by Solidaridad, hosted a workshop titled “Technology Transition in the Apparel Sector of Bangladesh and Necessity of Just Transition” on August 2, 2024. This important event brought together root level trade union leaders from Ashulia, Savar and Hemayetpur. The workshop aimed to raise awareness among participants about the impacts of

Workshop for Empowering Basic Trade Union Leaders for a Just Transition! Read More »

Staff Capacity Building Training on “Bangladesh Labour Laws and Rules”

A staff capacity building training on ‘Bangladesh Labour Laws and Rules’ was arranged by the  Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF) on June 28-29, 2024, at the conference hall of BLF. Staff capacity is one of the top priority areas for the Bangladesh Labour Foundation, and we are constantly striving to enhance the skills and capabilities of our

Staff Capacity Building Training on “Bangladesh Labour Laws and Rules” Read More »

Staff Capacity Building Training on “Technological Transition in the Apparel Sector of Bangladesh and the Necessity of Just Transition for the Workers.”

The apparel sector in Bangladesh is considered the backbone of our economy. It has significantly boosted foreign currency earnings and created job opportunities, especially for women. However, recent rapid technological transitions in this sector are causing job losses due to skill gaps among workers. Additionally, climate change is worsening the situation, leading to increased migration and

Staff Capacity Building Training on “Technological Transition in the Apparel Sector of Bangladesh and the Necessity of Just Transition for the Workers.” Read More »

Observed the World Day Against Child Labour 2024

Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF) conducted a 12-day-long awareness campaign to observe World Day Against Child Labour 2024. We arranged various programs featuring stakeholder meetings, rallies, sports and cultural events, miking and poster campaigns, prize-giving ceremonies, and leaflet distribution in different areas of Keraniganj. Moreover, we conducted a social media campaign as part of our efforts.

Observed the World Day Against Child Labour 2024 Read More »

Dialogue on Technology Transition: Necessity of Just Transition for the workers

Textile sector of Bangladesh is facing drastic technological transition for the last few years. Modern automated machines are taking places of physical labour. The workers of this sector do not have enough skills or alternative job to face these technological transition. On the other hand golobal warming is also posing a threat to the textile sector

Dialogue on Technology Transition: Necessity of Just Transition for the workers Read More »