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About Us

About Bangladesh Labour Foundation

Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF) is a non-government; non-profit; non-partisan organization represents the interest of the working people in Bangladesh. BLF works for the welfare of workers, working people, professionals, women, children, employee and families by undertaking various programs and projects. We share a common determination to organize, to defend human rights and labour standards in Bangladesh, and to promote the growth of trade unions for the benefit of all working men and women and their families.

BLF is committed to protect of the rights of all workers, create a productive and economic independent society thatโ€™s free from poverty, discrimination and where people can exercise their basic social and human rights, social justice through activities that focus on youth and women, children and working people of Bangladesh.

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Mission & Vision



To ensure all sorts of exploitation and violence free society for the working people and their families through industrial relation, freedom of association and social dialogue.



BLF visualizes a society in which all workers and disadvantaged people have their dignity & rights by establishing with safe workplace with fair labour standards.



BLF is committed to create a productive and economically independent society that is free from poverty and discrimination and in which people can exercise their basic human rights, rights to economic justice and social justice through their livelihood and economic activities.

Our Impact


Children Rescued


Programs Launched


Countries Reached


Lives Changed

Our Impact


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Awareness on Social and Economic Development 
Ensure social and economic development under existing laws and international labour standards;especially by creating awareness among the stakeholders and by increasing human capacity of workers of the nation.
Strengthening Democratic Industrial Practices 
Strengthen the culture of democratic industrial practices through workers organizations/trade union member-based-organization, tripartite negotiation, and social dialogue.
Good Governance and Skill Development 
Encourage human resource development, good governance, workersโ€™ welfare activities, and capacity development for the inclusive improvement and leadership of workersโ€™ including youth and women.
Promotion of Decent Work Environment
Promote Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) and decent work environment through developing capacity of workers in gender equality, rights at work, gender equality, social protection and social justice for people with disabilities.
Child Labour and Women Empowerment
Address contemporary issues such as child labour, education (literacy, non-formal education, skills development training and vocational training) and trafficking of women & children and take action to eliminate child labour & reduce GBV at workplace.
Advocacy and Networking Initiatives

Undertake strong advocacy and networking initiatives in between workers, employers and Government and encouraging social dialogue.

Core Activities

Welfare and Development

Welfare and Development

Legal Support

Legal Support

Networking and Campaign

Networking and Campaign

Skill Development

Skill Development

Education and Training

Education and Training

Policy Analysis, Research and Advocacy

Policy Analysis, Research and Advocacy

Publication and Documentation

Publication and Documentation

Action leading activities to Rehabilitation and Support Service

Action leading activities to Rehabilitation and Support Service

Core Activities

Welfare and Development

Education and Training

Education and Training

Legal Support

Legal Support

Policy Analysis, Research and Advocacy

Policy Analysis, Research and Advocacy

Networking and Campaign

Networking and Campaign

Publication and Documentation

Publication and Documentation

Skill Development

Skill Development

Action leading activities to Rehabilitation and Support Service

Action leading activities to Rehabilitation and Support Service

