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Training For Tannery Supervisors and Management Staffs

Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF) organized a 2-day long non-residential training on Workers’ Rights, OSH, In-house Waste Management, Chemical Management, and Sustainable Energy Usage for Tannery supervisors and management staffs with the support of The Asia Foundation (TAF).
The training was organized at The Luncheon Restaurant, Diamond Tower, Hemayetpur, Savar, Dhaka on 25-26 July 2022, and 25 tannery supervisors and management staffs participated there.
The main objective of the training was to improve their knowledge and awareness on in-house waste management, chemical management, sustainable energy usage, workers’ rights, and their roles and responsibilities in ensuring those rights are upheld.
The course covered, Health and safety at the workplace, Labour Law, Labour inspection checklist, Tannery pre-treatment and inspection, Implementation of Environment Conservation Rules, 1997, Leather Working Group (LWG) Certification, Safety Committee, Gender and Gender Based Violence and Directives of High Court division on Sexual Harassment.
Apart from the program team Md. Taherul Islam, Project Manager, The Asia Foundation; A.M. Sajjad Hossain Khan, Senior Program Officer, The Asia Foundation; Syed Nahid Hasan, and Md. Farhad Ali, Labour Inspector (General) of Department of Inspection for Factories and Establishment (DIFE); Md. Mizanur Rahman, Deputy Secretary, BTA; and Rehana Akter Ruma, Head of Program and Project, BTA were presented in the training as guest facilitators.

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