Towards a Just Transition of the Apparel Sector of Bangladesh Addressing the Need for Skill Development

Navigating Change: A Just Transition for Bangladesh’s Apparel Sector through Skill Development 
The apparel sector in Bangladesh has long been a cornerstone of our economy, providing livelihoods to millions. As we embark on a journey towards sustainability and resilience, it’s crucial to ensure a just transition. Bangladesh Labour Foundation – BLF believe that addressing the need for skill development is pivotal in shaping the future of the apparel sector.
In association of Slidaridad Network Asia, Bangladesh Labour Foundation – BLF has recently organised a workshop with the Trade Union Federations Leaders of the Bangladesh Apparel Sector to figure out the necessities for an adaptive workplace for the RMG workers in Bangladesh while there will be so many challenges assuming to raise in respect to the automation.
A just transition requires collaboration, commitment, and continuous innovation. We envision a future where the apparel sector in Bangladesh thrives sustainably, ensuring the well-being of its workers and the prosperity of the nation.

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