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The Asia Foundation visited BLF | Keraniganj

The Asia Foundation (TAF) visited Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF) project office and Local RMG at Keraniganj on 31 August 2022.
Sadat Sadruddin Shibli, Director, and Md. Taherul Islam, Program Manager of TAF observed the condition of the Local RMG on the ground.
They are informed about the overall condition of the workers by three basic trade union leaders of Keraniganj.
Afterward, they observed several factories, showrooms, and surrounding areas and exchanged views with many workers, child labours, and factory and showroom owners.
Along with BLF’s Deputy Director (Program) Mahmudul Hasan Khan and Program Officer Sorowar Alam and Shabana Khatun, Trade Union leader Zakir Hossain Pannu, Monir Hossain Mridha, Md. Ibrahim and Belal Hossain attended the visit.

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