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Tannery Research Findings Sharing and Advocacy Meeting

‘Tannery Research Findings Sharing and Advocacy Meeting’ was held under the ‘Together for Decent Leather’ project, co-funded by the European Union on 30 August 2022.
It was hosted by Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF) at the Conference Room of BLF Head Office and chaired by Z M Kamrul Anam, Secretary General of BLF.
Representatives from Department of Inspection for Factories and Establishments (DIFE), Leather Sector Business Promotion Council, Bangladesh Tanners Association (BTA), Bangladesh Finished Leather, Leather goods and Footwear Exporters’ Association (BFLLFEA), Tannery Workers Union, Research organization- RAPID and Civil Society Organisation attended the meeting.
Professor Dr. M. Abu Eusuf, Department of Development Studies of Dhaka University shared the research findings. Afterward, stakeholders of the leather industry discussed the findings and recommendations of the study and pointed out their respective positions.
A K M Ashraf Uddin, Executive Director of Bangladesh Labour Foundation said that although tannery is a formal sector, its activities are conducted informally with 92% of temporary workers. He added that BLF is working with every stakeholder for the growth of the leather industry, but it is not possible without ensuring the rights of the workers.
Rehana Akhter Ruma, Head of Projects and Programs of Bangladesh Tanners Association (BTA) mentioned that the incentives will be stopped after 2026 and only compliant factories will survive.
DIFE has pledged to strengthen its activities in the inspection of tanneries.
In the concluding remarks, Z M Kamrul Anam, Secretary General of Bangladesh Labour Foundation urged to take quick and effective steps for the growth of the tannery industry and its workers as well as organise regular advocacy meetings.

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