Researsh & Study

Tannery Industries in Dhaka

Timeline: 2019

Bangladesh is transitioned to a lower-middle-income status and the economy grew annually from 2009 to 2018. The manufacturing sectors are rising significantly. Export-oriented industrialization focused on key sectors such as leather goods. The government initiates several measures to upgrade this industry. One of the major challenges for this industry is pollution management. The government relocated tanneries from Hazaribagh to Savar, providing modern facilities. Authority implemented a Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP) to address environmental concerns. However, the relocation has not met targets, and the new site lacks adequate public facilities. Modern equipment and environmental safety measures are crucial for the industry’s competitiveness in the international market. Despite challenges, the sector holds significant potential for boosting Bangladesh’s economic growth through diversification and modernization. Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF) has conducted this study aim to present a brief scenario of the tannery workers and industries after relocation from Hazaribagh to Savar.

Objectives: The specific objectives of this study are to assess the overall scenario of leather sector as well as tannery industries in Bangladesh. Additionally, assess the socio-economic status of the workers involved in tannery sector and so on.

Methods: The study applied both quantitative and qualitative methods to gather data simultaneously. Questionnaire survey, FDGs, KIIs and case study tools were conducted for this study.

Findings: Many workers leave their families in villages after the tanneries were relocation. They mostly work without formal contracts or ID cards, and authorities do not maintain specific data. Female workers earn less than male workers, and only a few factories provide separate toilets or maternity leave. Most workers receive only weekend and public holiday leave with payments. Tanneries are failed to maintain Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) standards. The lack of quality food shops in Savar leads to digestive and gastrointestinal diseases. There are no hospital facilities in the tannery zone. The relocation results leaving many previously employed in Hazaribagh jobless. Many workers having to pull their children to the family income. Workers currently face additional transportation costs. Awareness of sexual harassment issues is moderately poor, and there is a strong call for the establishment of trade unions. Followingly, the toxic waste is now polluting the Dhaleshwari River.


  • The government should carefully implement its plan, and keep its promises to build the Tannery Estate in Savar as a livable pollution free modern industrial town with all facilities such as housing, medical services, educational institutes, markets, business and recreation centers.
  • There should be standard system of recruitment and appointment of worker’s, the workers will get appointment letters which will write the salary and other facilities, the workers will get identity cards with photos. Introduction of service book should be mandatory in the industries.
  • Take initiative to increase technical capacity of labour organizations to monitor, advocate and hold the government and business owners to account.

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