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Research & Study


May, 2020

The coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic is the defining global health crisis of our time and the greatest challenge we have faced since World War Two. Since its emergence in Asia (China) December last year, the virus has spread to 208 countries and regions of the world, significantly affecting the global economy. The virus has been growing so exponentially, even the developed countries have been unable to contain its spread. As a result, people are dying in the affected areas and countries at an alarming rate.

Bangladesh is being forced to endure lockdowns differently says as general holiday to tackle the Covid-19 pandemic. These lockdowns are having a crippling effect on workers and businesses across the country. The unprecedented Covid-19 pandemic has caused disruptions to global trade, business, and education. Bangladesh is equally affected by this infection. The economic consequences of the Covid-19 outbreak are tough to handle as the entire global supply chain has been interrupted due to worldwide transportation shutdown. The economy of Bangladesh has almost come to a standstill and devastating effects are being observed in almost all sectors.  

Key Words: Pandemic, Leather Exporter, BTA, Remedy.


Like other sectors, the coronavirus pandemic has also upset the leather production, production process, productivity and its supply chains in all respect. The country’s leather exporters are going to be hit hard for the coronavirus outbreak in China, which is their largest export destination (about 60%) of leather from Bangladesh. According to the stakeholders, Bangladesh tanneries and leather sector as a whole facing a huge financial loss amounting over USD300 million and the figure is increasing daily basis. There are around 300 containers of leather and leather goods that are packed up on the factory premises for shipment. Most of the previous export orders are being cancelled by the foreign buyers as the countries from where the order came has also been hit hard. Shaheen Ahmed, chairman of the Bangladesh Tanners Association said “If the situation persists like this, we may face a huge loss as there are so many containers of semifinished leather remain pending for export to China.” He mentioned out of the 123 tanneries operating in the leather industrial park at Savar, only 10 to 12 are large and have capacity to store their products. Most do not have adequate storage. It is not only exporters but also raw materials importers who are dependent on China facing the same predicament.  Leather and leather products are the biggest foreign currency earner after apparels. Bangladesh exported $1 billion worth of leather and leather products last fiscal year and this year’s target had been set at $1.1 billion. He demanded government support immediately, otherwise, many tanneries will shut down and a big number of workers will lose their jobs. 


Key Findings


Though this analysis we have tried to figure out the current overall conditions in the Tannery Sector as a whole specially the conditions of the Tannery Workers. COVID 19 brings new challenge for building different practices of OSH apart from conventional ideas to make a healthy workplace. The analysis will be followed up by midterm and long term during and post COVID period with the possible recommendation to make the industry sustain for future.

Publication Details

Date: May, 2020


Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF)

F Haque Tower; Level – 7

107 Bir Uttam C.R. Datta Road
Dhaka – 1205

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