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Dialogue on Promoting harmonious industrial relations to ensure the growth of the tannery industry in Bangladesh

Employer-employee interaction is essential to industrial relations

A social dialogue on industrial relations development to ensure the development of the tannery industry in Bangladesh was organized by The Asia Foundation and Bangladesh Labor Foundation (BLF) at a hotel in Dhaka.

State University of Bangladesh Professor Dr. Hasnat M. Alamgir read the main article in the dialogue and moderated by Sadat S Shibli, Director of The Asia Foundation. In the discussion, the speakers presented best practices for improving employer-worker relations in Bangladesh’s garment industry as examples.

They also said that the development agency should take initiatives to increase the interaction between owners’ associations of tannery industry like garment industry, trade union, and workers and comply with labor laws, remove trust crisis, implement the action plan approved by government to ensure social compliance of leather industry and take regular meetings.

All the speakers emphasized on 3 issues for the development of industrial relations.

1. To establish effective management system in human resource development and promotion.
2. Develop and practice effective communication policies.
3. Development of different types of leadership styles and codes of conduct at the factory level.

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