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Representatives from NGO Affairs Bureau, Office of the Prime Minister visited the project area of BLF in Keranigonj

Mr. Sirajul Islam Khan, Assignment Officer (Senior Assistant Secretary), NGO Affairs Bureau, Office of the Prime Minister visited in Keranigonj to observe the situation of Local RMG including the child labour situation. He visited few factories and attended in an awareness session with the factory owners and workers on the elimination of child labour from Local RMG in Keranigonj. He requested the owners and workers leaders to help the government and work with BLF to elimination of child labour and improve the working condition.

After the session he visited BLF’s project office and discussed with the BLF project team the overall situation of Local RMG and what action has been taken by the government recently. Mahmudul Hasan Khan, Deputy Director Program of BLF gave an overview on what BLF are doing and what results who have achieved so far. Mr. Khan gave thanks to Mr. Islam as NGOAB has been given their support BLF to implement different types of donors supported project. During the visit Mr. Mahin, Admin Officer of NGOAB, and Mr. A H M Morshed, Program Coordinator of BLF were present.