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Refreshers Training for Tannery workers on OSH | Labour Rights | GBV and Advocacy | Negotiation skills

Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF) organized a day long non-residential refreshers training on OSH, Labour Rights, GBV and Advocacy/Negotiation skills for Tannery Workers with the financial and technical support of The Asia Foundation (TAF).
Training Venue: The Luncheon Restaurant, Hemayetpur, Savar, Dhaka
Participants: 25 workers from 10 factories of the Tannery Industries
Objective: The main objectives of the refreshers training are to reorient the workers on OSH, Labour Rights and Negotiation skills.
Course covered: Basic concept of Labour Law, Occupational safety and health, Gender Based Violence and Negotiation skills
Resource person: Selected Core group and Cadre group facilitators and external resource person facilitated the training. Apart from the program team Syed Nahid Hassan, Labour Inspector (General) of Department of Inspection for Factories and Establishment (DIFE) was presented in the training as guest facilitator. Md. Md. Taherul Islam, Program Manager, A. M. Sajjad Hossain Khan, Senior Program Officer of The Asia Foundation and Mahmudul Hasan Khan, Deputy Director (Program) also attended the training.