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Child Labor in Subcontracted Ready-Made Garment Supply Chains in Bangladesh: From Impact Assessment to Holistic Due Diligence

Overview The readymade garments industry acts as the backbone of Bangladesh’s economy and a catalyst for the country’s development. The “Made in Bangladesh” tag has also...

Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) for Workers and Owners in Local Ready-made Garment factories

Occupational Safety and Health Training Program Occupational Safety and Health Training Program Occupational Safety and Health Training Program Occupational Safety and Health Training Program Overview...

Increasing Knowledge and Capacity of Home-based Workers

Home Based Workers Bangladesh Labour Foundation with the home-based workers in Jessore. International Home-Based Workers’ Day Overview A home-based worker refers to an employee who performs his or her...

Promotion of Decent Work for Agriculture Workers in Bangladesh

Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture project Overview Bangladesh is an agriculture-based country, and about 38 percent of the labour force is involved in this sector, which covers 20 percent of the...

Development support services to women under the Vulnerable Group Development (VGD) Programme

Overview The Vulnerable Group Development (VGD) programme is one of the largest social safety net programmes implemented by the Government of Bangladesh in partnership with the World Bank. It aims to...

Decent leather- Labour standards for workers in the leather-based garment, footwear and accessories value chain

Decent Lather Bangladesh Labour Foundation Overview South Asia is an important hub for the production of leather garments, footwear and accessories across the world. Approximately 2.5 million...

Basic Literacy Project Across 64 Districts

Overview Education is an important factor for sustainable development and it is considered as vital for improving living standard. Nonformal education and skill development is considered as a process...

Establishing an effective Social Compliance platform and ensuring labour standards for workers towards to achieve LWG certification in the Leather value chain in Bangladesh

Overview The Bangladeshi leather industry, which holds the second position in terms of export earnings, has significant consequences. However, the factories at the Estate cannot export leather goods...

Improving Labour Standards by Recognising Local RMG Towards to Ensure Decent Work

Stop Child Labour Campaign In Keraniganj Child Labour World Day for Decent Work Uniting for SDG 8 Achievements Overview The Local Readymade Garment (LRMG) Industry in Bangladesh contributes 80% of the...