Policies and Acts
Home ยป Policies and Acts
Bangladesh Labour Law 2006
Labour Policy 2012
Bangladesh Labour Law (Ammendment) 2013
Labour Rules 2015
Labour_Law(Amendment) 2018
Labour Welfare Foundation Law-2006
Foundation Rules 2010
Foundation (Amendment) Act 2013
Bangladesh Labour Welfare Foundation Amendment Rules 2015
The Right To Information Act_2009_Bangla
Receive of Informatin_Rules 2009
OHS Policy Bangla_Gazette 2013
National Child Labour Elimination Policy 2010
National Child Policy 2011
Hazard Wok List 2013
Aluminium Minimum Wages 2018
RMG Minimum Wages 2018
Glass minimum wage Gazette 2019
Women and Children Violence protection Law 2000
Law Commission Report 101_2010
Law Commission Report 100_2010
Domestic Violence Act 2010
Domestic-Violence-Rules 2013
Domestic Workers Protection ad Welfare Policy, 2016
Gender Roadmap 2020-2030
Judgement of HC
BG Press-National Child Labour Project-2010
Essential Services Act 2020
Plastic Sector Minimum Wage Gazette
Ri Rolling Mills Minimum Wage Gazette
Labour Rules Amendment-2022
ILO’s Fundamental Conventions
C:29 Forced Labour Convention
C:87 Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention
C:98 Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention
C:100 Equal Remuneration Convention
C:105 ILO Abolition of Forced Labour Convention
C:111 Convention concerning Discrimination in Respect of Employment and Occupation
C:138 Minimum Age Convention
C:182 Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention
C:189 and Recommendations
C:190 and Recommendations
Conventions and Recommendations relevant to work and young persons
ILO Guidelines on OSH Management System