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On the occasion of 15th August-National Mourning Day-2021, a joint venture of BSCIC TIE and BLF organized a tree plantation program

On the occasion of 46th Martyrdom Anniversary of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the great architect of independence, 15th August, National Mourning Day 2021 BSCIC TIE, Harindhara, Hemayetpur, Savar, Dhaka on 14th August, 2021 at 11 o’clock on Saturday The tree planting program was jointly organized by Bangladesh Labor Foundation (BLF) and BSCIC TIE Engineer Jitendranath Paul, General Manager and Project Director, BSCIC TIE, Dhaka was present as the Chief Guest on the occasion. Md. Rezaul Karim, Deputy Secretary, BAB & Boilers, Ministry of Industries, Abdul Malek, General Secretary, Tannery Workers Union, Engineer Md. Mahfuzur Rahman Rizwan, Executive Engineer, BSCIC TIE, Savar, Dhaka and AKM Ashraf Uddin, Executive Director, BLF. Also present were BSCIC, workers’ representatives from different tanneries and BLF officials. The chief guest and special guests started the day by planting Arjun, Hartaki, Neem, Sonalu medicinal plants in the BSCIC TIE premises which are the climate and environmentally friendly and suitable trees of the BSCIC TIE. Bangladesh Labor Foundation (BLF) has been working for a long time to develop the leather industry and its workers.

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