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This research focuses on working conditions in the Keraniganj garment workshops. In addition, the characteristics of the Keraniganj-based garment industry were studied, including: size of the workshops, products produced and supplier-buyer linkages. This report is written by CBSG, with input from SOMO.

Research & Study

Report: Mapping on Organizing Workers in Keraniganj Apparel Hub, Dhaka, Bangladesh 2015

July, 2015

This research focuses on working conditions in the Keraniganj garment workshops. In addition, the characteristics of the Keraniganj-based garment industry were studied, including: size of the workshops, products produced and supplier-buyer linkages. This report is written by CBSG, with input from SOMO.


Bangladesh is well known across the world for the burgeoning apparel industry, which is growing exponentially triggered by the demand from international buyers including Walmart, H&M, JC Penny. What it not very known to the most that a parallel industry has grown over time to meet the ever-increasing home grown demand for various apparels including jeans, T[1]Shirts and other types of clothing. These industries are called local garments as they mainly meet local demand. This industry has developed by local entrepreneurs with small capital and no access to bank credit using locally available raw materials and leftovers from export oriented garment industries just other side of Dhaka City divided by the river Buriganga in a place called Keranigang. Over the last three decades, Keranigong local garment becomes an important element in national supply chain.

The Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF), supported by FNV Mondiaal, seeks to support worker organising in the Keraniganj-based garment industry. Trade union presence and membership is very low in Keraniganj. There is a complete lack of information about the industry and the conditions under which workers work and live. In order to develop strategies to support unions and organise workers such information is indispensable. Therefore, BLF and FNV Mondiaal commissioned CBSG and SOMO to carry out a mapping of the garment industry in Keraniganj.


Key Findings


The study reveals the scenario of apparel sector in Keraniganj besides it also covers the workers’ situation and the present status of the worker’s union. Analysing the findings of the study there are some recommendations suggested regarding unionization, policy advocacy for formal recognition, ensuring regulatory framework for governance, child labour, health and occupational safety, workers’ continuing education, awareness raising on workers’ right, occupational health and hygiene, legal safety net issues for Government policy makers, Bangladesh Labour Welfare Foundation (BLF), Business Associations and local worker unions.

Publication Details

Date: July, 2015


Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF)

F Haque Tower; Level – 7

107 Bir Uttam C.R. Datta Road
Dhaka – 1205

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