Research & Study

Countrywide Downstream (Local) Garment Industry in Bangladesh

December, 2017

Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF) commissioned a study to establish benchmark data on nature of local garment/tailoring shop industry round the country, and gather data focusing on workers and household socioeconomic status in the downstream garment industry in Bangladesh. The survey has been conducted in 4 sample areas, Narayanganj, Chittagong, Saidpur and Keraniganj combining the quantitative and qualitative methods and using a variety of techniques such as structured questionnaire-led interview, Literature Review, Rapid Assessment, Focus Group Discussion (FGD), Key Informant Interview (KII), Mapping and triangulation.


The ready-made garment (RMG) industry of Bangladesh has been very popular across the world for its “Made in Bangladesh” brand. There are about 65,000 manufacturing units of apparel engaging more than over 5 million people—of them about 78% dedicated to local market, over 11% to global market and less than 1% to both markets. About 10% units do not sell products. More than 80% apparel manufacturing units are located in the rural areas selling 72% of their products in the local market. There is also a big number of apparel hubs that have emerged as downstream readymade garments capturing a large portion of the local RMG market across the country. This industry involves various inputs such as fabric, garment accessories, and allied industries services. It has blended the high-tech RMG industry production processes with traditional tailoring skills in developing a new kind of sustainable high-growth industry which enjoys a significant market share at the local level. The study has not found direct linkage with export market or brands.


Key Findings


The downstream garments are still a growing sector. Although most of the local RMG industries are run with less than 10 workers, under the section of 183 BLA 2006 provided scope to form trade union in this type of industries. Workers are mostly unorganized and dominated by factory owners. There had been some efforts to establish a workers’ union in the mid-nineties but those efforts were foiled by the factory owners having strong political networks.

Countrywide Downstream (Local) Garment Industry in Bangladesh

Publication Details

Date: December, 2017


Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF)

F Haque Tower; Level – 7

107 Bir Uttam C.R. Datta Road
Dhaka – 1205

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