Interministerial meeting to review the progress of National Plan of Action to Eliminate Child Labour

Interministerial meeting to review the progress of National Plan of Action to Eliminate Child Labour was in the Capital.....

Training for the Safety Committee on operational knowledge and skills

Training for the Safety Committee on operational knowledge and skills Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF) organized two.....

Tannery Workers Union demand wage board and increase of minimum wage for tannery workers

Tannery Workers Union demand wage board and increase of minimum wage for tannery workers At a press conference held at.....

May Day Celebration 2023

May Day has been observed to recognise the workers contribution and commemorating the historic struggles and gains made.....

Fire Drills in Tannery Industrial Estate

Fire Drills in Tannery Industrial Estate Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF) in association with Bangladesh Tanners.....

National Occupational Health and Safety Day at Tannery Industrial Estate, Savar, Dhaka.

National Occupational Health and Safety Day at Tannery Industrial Estate, Savar, Dhaka. Bangladesh Labour Foundation.....

The National Occupational Health and Safety Day-2023

The National Occupational Health and Safety Day-2023 has been observed in the country today to develop and ensure safe.....

ILO Country Director visited Keranigonj Informal Readymade Garment Factories

ILO Country Director Tuomo Poutiainen visited Keranigonj Informal Readymade Garment factories to see the working.....