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Inter-ministerial co-ordination is much needed to formulate a specific law to prevent harassment and violence at workplace and educational institutions

Inter-ministerial co-ordination is much needed to formulate a specific law to prevent harassment and violence at workplace and educational institutions
– said the speakers at the round table discussion of Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF)
Mina Masud Uzzaman, Additional Inspector General (Joint Secretary), Department of Inspection for Factories and Establishment (DIFE), Ministry of Labour and Employment was present as Chief Guest in the program. During his speech, he mentioned no law is formulated overnight and it takes series of phases and discussions with related stakeholders. To enact a law the related ministries should take responsibilities to bring it further. He also said, DIFE is working simultaneously to resolve factory level dispute.
BLF executive director AKM Ashraf Uddin presented the keynote while he raised a four-point demand that include ratification of the ILO 190 Convention and its proper implementation. He also demanded effective implementation of the High Court verdict in this regard unless the law related to prevention of sexual harassment and safety takes place. He also demanded allowing two members outside the factory in the complaint committee and taking required measures to incorporate the provision in the amended labour rules 2022.
The program was chaired by chaired by Z M Kamrul Anam, Secretary General of Bangladesh Labour Foundation, and moderated by Mahmudul Hasan Khan, Deputy Director (Program) of BLF. The representatives of the member organizations of Gender Platform were also present in the program. Representatives of Government departments, CSOs, Development Partners, Law Practitioners, Print & Electric media Journalists were also present in the program.