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ILO Country Director visited Keranigonj Informal Readymade Garment Factories

ILO Country Director Tuomo Poutiainen visited Keranigonj Informal Readymade Garment factories to see the working conditions as well as the status of the working children below 14 years.
Mr. Poutiainen was amazed to see the factories in the area and the process they are maintaining to fulfil the local garment demand. On the other hand, he was surprised with the working conditions of these factories which he mentioned highly hazardous.
He told “I saw the conditions of the workplace from different documentaries of BLF. But it is something beyond the thinkings. It is always good to see the real condition by own eyes. The workers here are living worthelssly and the child labour situation is also too dangerous while the government is committed to end all forms of child labour by 2025.” He expressed that ILO will work together with Government and BLF with the National Plan of Action to Eliminate Child Labour from Keranigonj soon.
He also showed ILOs commitment in regards to ensure decent work for all workers in every workplace. During his visit, he went through several building blocks, sell centres and spoke with workers and employers.
Among other ILO officials and BLF Secretary General Mr. Z M Kamrul Anam was also present during the visit. BLF Executive Director, Mr A K M Ashraf Uddin brief the Country Director with the details of Keranigonj Informal Readymade Sector.

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