Ensuring Decent Work through Elimination of Child Labour in Keranigonj

Ensuring Decent Work through Elimination of Child Labour in Keranigonj

A Social Dialogue was organized by Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF) in East Keranigong, Dhaka on “Ensuring Decent Work through Elimination of Child Labour in Keranigong” where different levels of local stakeholders were attended in the dialogue. The dialogue discussed the current context of Child Labour in the informal RMG factories in Keranigong and it social impact. Facilitated by BLF Program Manager Md. Mahmudul Hasan Khan, the program was participated by Mr. Farid Uddin Ahmed, President, Union Sramik League as Chief Guest. In his speech Mr. Hasan mentioned about Bangladesh Government commitment to eliminate all forms of child labour within 2021 and 2025. As a result he told in the dialogue that it is now high time for Keranigong to rethink while employing Child Labour at work as well as need to take all initiative to withdraw the current child labour from the factories by replacing the adult workers. The participant along with the owners and owners associations in Keranigong understands the necessity of elimination of child labour and they also express their concern to eliminate the child labour soon. The dialogue finally discussed to bring out with a solution how to eliminate the child labour sequentially from the area and urge BLF to take such responsibility to make an action plan in this regards.

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