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Bangladesh’s leather sector makes up about 3 per cent of the world’s market for leather and leather goods. The sector is the country’s third largest source of export earnings, after readymade garments and jute and jute products. According to a study by EBL Securities, Bangladesh produces 350 million square feet of leather each year, of which 20 to 25 per cent is used locally while the rest is exported. The World Footwear Yearbook 2020 lists Bangladesh as the eighth largest producer and 18th largest exporter of footwear, with an annual production volume of more than 400 million pairs of shoes..

Research & Study

Employment and working conditions in Bangladesh’s leather industry

September, 2022

This study aims to assess the employment and working conditions in Bangladesh’s leather industry. It focuses on the demographic and socio-economic characteristics of tannery workers, their rights to association and collective bargaining rights, occupational health and safety, and labour and employment practices at tanneries. The study draws on both quantitative and qualitative data collection instruments to gather detailed information about the tannery workers.


Bangladesh’s leather sector makes up about 3 per cent of the world’s market for leather and leather goods. The sector is the country’s third largest source of export earnings, after readymade garments and jute and jute products. According to a study by EBL Securities, Bangladesh produces 350 million square feet of leather each year, of which 20 to 25 per cent is used locally while the rest is exported. The World Footwear Yearbook 2020 lists Bangladesh as the eighth largest producer and 18th largest exporter of footwear, with an annual production volume of more than 400 million pairs of shoes.

In terms of labour standards and workplace safety, the leather tanning industry in Bangladesh is no exception from the country’s other labour-intensive industries, where sweatshop conditions are commonplace. Even after the relocation from Hazaribagh, which promised better living and working conditions for the tannery workers, the industry is still struggling to ensure minimum wages, basic labour rights, and occupational health and safety. The leather tanning industry in Bangladesh is failing to deal with the challenges of weak environmental compliance on the one hand and poor labour standards and occupational safety on the other hand, which is impacting on production.


Key Findings


The Human Rights Charter and The Bangladesh Constitution, which have physical and mental development or have promised to uphold are totally missing. In addition, discrimination, exploitation, and torture have become a regular occurrence for these children, and poverty happens to be the main cause. The children’s lives remain further in misery and uncertainty due to the recklessness of the owners to maximize profit at any cost, backed by the absence of proper enforcement of relevant regulatory instruments. An intense and coordinated effort from the involved parties is the only way out of this situation.

Publication Details

Date: September, 2022


Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF)

F Haque Tower; Level – 7

107 Bir Uttam C.R. Datta Road
Dhaka – 1205

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