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Consultation Dialogue with DIFE

Automation in the apparel industry, driven by the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), is reshaping the sector with advanced machinery and processes. However, this transition brings significant challenges, particularly for workers. To assess the current state of automation and its impact on workers, Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF), in collaboration with Brac University, is conducting a study on automation in Bangladesh’s apparel sector.
To share key findings and gather valuable insights, BLF recently organized a consultation dialogue supported by Solidaridad Network Asia with DIFE and its Labour Inspectors. As frontline observers, the perspectives of Labour Inspectors will enrich the study, ensuring a more comprehensive understanding of how automation is affecting workers’ rights and conditions.
The Deputy Inspector General, Department of Inspection for Factories and Establishments (DIFE), A. K. M. Salauddin, illuminated the event with his insightful speech.

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