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The study was commissioned by Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF). The study was commissioned to identify the numbers of child labour including their socio-economic background. It also tried to depict their working situation and its consequences on their lives. The study assessed the perception of trade union leaders, NGO representatives and policy makers of relevant government department towards child labour and gathered their experience to identify the potential solutions.

Research & Study

Child Labour Situation in Keraniganj Local Readymade Garments

December, 2021

The study was commissioned by Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF). The study was commissioned to identify the numbers of child labour including their socio-economic background. It also tried to depict their working situation and its consequences on their lives. The study assessed the perception of trade union leaders, NGO representatives and policy makers of relevant government department towards child labour and gathered their experience to identify the potential solutions. The report intends to describe the methodology, legal framework, findings and concludes by recommending some key measures that would enable child to enjoy their rights and enhance institutional support to ensure child rights.

Key Words: Child Labour, Keraniganj, Informal Work, Hazardous Work


Bangladesh is facing challenges to prevent child labour. Moreover, the COVID-19 situation has significantly contributed to increasing children’s engagement as labourers in different sectors. The Bangladesh Labour Foundation, from its working experience and other studies, confirmed that many children work in the downstream RMG industries and are victims of exploitation and discrimination.Children in Bangladesh are subjected to the worst forms of child labour, performing dangerous tasks in different sectors like garment factories, industries, construction, transport, etc. Despite the significant success of the government of Bangladesh, it remains challenging to ensure fundamental human rights for children, particularly poor children. The local RMG factories are running without formal rules and regulations. In the absence of legal statutes, a large number of child labourers are exploited here. To mitigate the challenges, along with the government, the Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF) has been working to combat child labour in the Keraniganj downstream RMG industries. BLF commissioned this study to identify the number of child workers in Keraniganj and their socio-economic status.


Key Findings


The Human Rights Charter and The Bangladesh Constitution, which have physical and mental development or have promised to uphold are totally missing. In addition, discrimination, exploitation, and torture have become a regular occurrence for these children, and poverty happens to be the main cause. The children’s lives remain further in misery and uncertainty due to the recklessness of the owners to maximize profit at any cost, backed by the absence of proper enforcement of relevant regulatory instruments. An intense and coordinated effort from the involved parties is the only way out of this situation.

Publication Details

Date: December, 2021


Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF)

F Haque Tower; Level โ€“ 7

107 Bir Uttam C.R. Datta Road
Dhaka โ€“ 1205

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