Press Releases

Bangladesh Babour Foundation

International Women’s Day and Violence against Women in Bangladesh

The International Women’s Day, observed worldwide on March 08 since 1911, reflects unity, action, awareness from global to the local level. International Women’s Day 2020 has special significance for gender equality since this year is the 25th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. ‘Each for Equal’ is the theme for this year’s […]

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Press-Realese BLF

Sustainable Tannery Industry & its Workers – Challenges & Action Plan

Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF) has organised a Round Table Seminar on “Sustainable Tannery Industry & its Workers – Challenges & Action Plan” at the CIRDAP Auditorium in Dhaka. The seminar was presided by the Chairman of BLF Mr. Abdus Salam Khan where Dr. Md. Jalal Uddin, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Labour and Employment attended as

Sustainable Tannery Industry & its Workers – Challenges & Action Plan Read More »

Press-Realese BLF

Ensuring Decent Work through Elimination of Child Labour in Keranigonj

A Social Dialogue was organized by Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF) in East Keranigong, Dhaka on “Ensuring Decent Work through Elimination of Child Labour in Keranigong” where different levels of local stakeholders were attended in the dialogue. The dialogue discussed the current context of Child Labour in the informal RMG factories in Keranigong and it social

Ensuring Decent Work through Elimination of Child Labour in Keranigonj Read More »