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Tannery Bangladesh

Dialogue on Promoting harmonious industrial relations to ensure the growth of the tannery industry in Bangladesh

Employer-employee interaction is essential to industrial relations A social dialogue on industrial relations development to ensure the development of the tannery industry in Bangladesh was organized by The Asia Foundation and Bangladesh Labor Foundation (BLF) at a hotel in Dhaka. State University of Bangladesh Professor Dr. Hasnat M. Alamgir read the main article in the […]

Dialogue on Promoting harmonious industrial relations to ensure the growth of the tannery industry in Bangladesh Read More »

Tannery Workers Union

Strategic Planning Workshop of Tannery Workers Union

Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF) & Tannery Workers Union (TWU) jointly organised a daylong Strategic Planning Workshop for Tannery Workers Union. The program was attended by Executive Committee Leaders, Factory Representatives, Youth Committee Leaders, Women Committee Leaders of the Union. The participants pointed that this is the first of the Tannery Workers Union history where all

Strategic Planning Workshop of Tannery Workers Union Read More »

Strategic Development Workshop

Strategic Development Workshop

Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF) has been conducted Four Day long Strategic Development Workshop with the Senior Leadership of the organization in the Capital Dhaka. The team has developed next 5 years planning Horizon and detail roadmap with required implementation strategy to effectively realize its objectives. We have developed our sustainable techniques and opportunity collaboration. Related

Strategic Development Workshop Read More »

International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day 2023

Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF) and Tannery Workers Union observed the International Women’s Day-2023 today with the unanimous call of eliminate all sorts of violence, disparity and discrimination against women at every stages. More than 200 women and men workers from various tanneries participated in the International Women’s Day rally with the support from The Asia Foundation

International Women’s Day 2023 Read More »

Discussion meeting on the role of journalists in implementing the action plan approved by the government

Discussion meeting on the role of journalists in implementing the action plan approved by the government

Discussion meeting on the role of journalists in implementing the action plan approved by the government “To ensure social compliance in the Tannery industry” took place at Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF) conference hall today (04.03.2023), organized by BLF. The meeting was presided By Abdus Salam Khan Chairman of BLF. Secretary General of BLF Z M Kamrul

Discussion meeting on the role of journalists in implementing the action plan approved by the government Read More »

Social Compliance

All relevant ministries and stakeholders should work together to implement the National Plan of Action to ensure Social Compliance

All relevant ministries and stakeholders should work together to implement the National Plan of Action to ensure Social Compliance in the Tannery Sector in Bangladesh – Md Nasir Uddin Ahmed (Additional secretary), Inspector General (IG), Department of Inspection for Factories and Establishments (DIFE) A joint initiative of Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF), Department of Inspection for Factories

All relevant ministries and stakeholders should work together to implement the National Plan of Action to ensure Social Compliance Read More »

Child Labour

Shuvadda Union Parishad of Keranigonj Upazila is committed to eliminate Child Labour from the Informal Local RMG located in the area

Shuvadda Union Parishad of Keranigonj Upazila is committed to eliminate Child Labour from the Informal Local RMG located in the area Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF), Department of Inspection for Factories and Establishments (DIFE) and Shuvadda Union Parishad jointly organized a meeting to prepare an action oriented plan to work out a smooth transition to eliminate child

Shuvadda Union Parishad of Keranigonj Upazila is committed to eliminate Child Labour from the Informal Local RMG located in the area Read More »

Training for the Safety Committee members of Keranigonj Informal RMG

Training for the Safety Committee members of Keranigonj Informal RMG

A training on Occupational Health and Safety for the Safety Committee members of Keranigonj informal RMG was organised. Mr. Mehedi Hasan, DIG, DIFE was participated in the training as trainer. The participants were enlightened with real life experiences of the resource person with further guideline how they can actively manage safety committee in the tower

Training for the Safety Committee members of Keranigonj Informal RMG Read More »

Aganagar Union Parishad of Keranigonj Upazila is committed to eliminate Child Labour from the Informal Local RMG located in the area

Aganagar Union Parishad of Keranigonj Upazila is committed to eliminate Child Labour from the Informal Local RMG located in the area

Aganagar Union Parishad of Keranigonj Upazila is committed to eliminate Child Labour from the Informal Local RMG located in the area Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF), Department of Inspection for Factories and Establishments (DIFE) and Aganagar Union Parishad jointly organized a meeting to prepare an action oriented plan to work out a smooth transition to eliminate child

Aganagar Union Parishad of Keranigonj Upazila is committed to eliminate Child Labour from the Informal Local RMG located in the area Read More »

The cost to ensure compliance in Tannery Industries is an investment rather than a regular expense

The cost to ensure compliance in Tannery Industries is an investment rather than a regular expense

Md Nasir Uddin Ahmed (Additional secretary), Inspector General (IG), Department of Inspection for Factories and Establishments (DIFE)A joint initiative of Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF), Department of Inspection for Factories and Establishments (DIFE) and Bangladesh Tanners Association (BTA) with Factory Owners of the tannery industry on the implementation of the National Plan of Action to achieve

The cost to ensure compliance in Tannery Industries is an investment rather than a regular expense Read More »