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Basic TOT & Facilitation Skills Training for Core Group Members of Local RMG

With the support of Mondiaal FNV, Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF) organized a three days long residential Basic TOT & Facilitation Skills training for 20 selected core group members of Local RMG from June 23rd to 25th 2021 at CCDB Hope Foundation, Saavar, Dhaka. The main objective of this training was to build the capacity on facilitation and communication skill. It is expected that after this training participant will able to communicate effectively with the Owners, Owners Associations, Federation, Local Government Institutions (LGIs), Upazilla administration, NGOs, Trade Union members, general workers of the factory. In the training participants learnt how to facilitate a meeting, training and awareness session and knew how to increase membership and dues collection. It is also expected that participant will prepare plan, meeting resolution, grievance record and maintain e-communication effectively. The training was facilitated by BLF Program Coordinator Khandaker Faisal Ahmed and Deputy Director Mahmudul Hasan Khan. Mr. Shahinur Rahman, Bangladesh Consultant of Mondiaal FNV was present in the training as a guest facilitator and facilitated a session on Trade Union Communication. Z M Kamrul Anam, Secretary General of BLF was present the in the last day of the training and gave closing remarks as chair of the closing ceremony of the training.

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