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All relevant ministries and stakeholders should work together to implement the National Plan of Action to ensure Social Compliance

All relevant ministries and stakeholders should work together to implement the National Plan of Action to ensure Social Compliance in the Tannery Sector in Bangladesh – Md Nasir Uddin Ahmed (Additional secretary), Inspector General (IG), Department of Inspection for Factories and Establishments (DIFE)
A joint initiative of Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF), Department of Inspection for Factories and Establishments (DIFE) and Bangladesh Finished Leather, Leathergoods and Footwear Exporters’ Association (BFLLFEA) with Factory Owners of the tannery industry on the implementation of the National Plan of Action to achieve social compliance of the leather industry was held at the Capital Dhaka on 27th February 2023.
Md Nasir Uddin Ahmed (Additional secretary), Inspector General (IG), Department of Inspection for Factories and Establishments (DIFE) attended as a Chief Guest in the meeting. In his speech, Mr. Uddin mentioned there is nothing new in the National Plan of Action rather it has accumulated all the laws in a easy manner to make the owners understand where is the gap to take immediate measures. He also express DIFE will always be with the owners whenever needed for an effective implementation of the NPA. He advised the owners to take proper action and help the government to make this sector more compliant and sustainable in upcoming days.
Md. Mohiudidn Ahmed Mahin, Chairman of BFLLFEA presided over the sharing meeting. He mentioned to the owners that the upcoming days will be difficult without maintaining the compliance. He requested everyone to take the NPA seriously for continuing their business.
Z M Kamrul Anam, Secretary General of Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF) also expressed to provide all sorts of support for an effective implementation of this NPA. Mahmudul Hasan Khan, Deputy Director (Program), gave a brief overview of the two-year National Action Plan (NPA) to the participants through a presentation in the meeting.
Among others Mst. Julia Jesmin, Joint Inspector General of DIFE, Development Partners and more than 50 Tannery owners were attended in the sharing meeting.

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