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Aganagar Union Parishad of Keranigonj Upazila is committed to eliminate Child Labour from the Informal Local RMG located in the area

Aganagar Union Parishad of Keranigonj Upazila is committed to eliminate Child Labour from the Informal Local RMG located in the area
Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF), Department of Inspection for Factories and Establishments (DIFE) and Aganagar Union Parishad jointly organized a meeting to prepare an action oriented plan to work out a smooth transition to eliminate child labour from Aganagar Union of Keranigonj Upazila.
The Chairman of the Union Parishad showed his commitment to work together to achieve government target in this regards. He also mentioned that his union parishad members will cooperation all way through with BLF and DIFE.

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