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Stakeholders meeting aiming “Elimination of Child Labour from Keraniganj”

A Stakeholders meeting aiming “Elimination of Child Labour from Keraniganj” was jointly organized by Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF) and the Department of Inspection for Factories and Establishment (DIFE) jointly organized on 5th January 2022 at Keraniganj. Md. Ehsan E Elahi, Secretary, Ministry of Labour and Employment, GoB was present in the occasion as Chief Guest where Md. Nasir Uddin Ahmed, Inspector General (IG), Department of Inspection for Factories and Establishment (DIFE) presided over the meeting. Z M Kamrul Anam, Secretary General, Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF) delivered the welcome speech and moderated the program. Among others Mahbuba Bilkis; Deputy Secretary, Minsitry of Labour and Employment, GoB; Syeda Munira Sultana, ILO Dhaka Child Labour Consultant; Dr. Md. Mustafizur Rahman, Joint Inspector General (Health), DIFE; Md. Mehdi Hassan, Upazilla Nirbahi Officer (UNO) of Keraniganj; Abdus Salam Khan, Chairman, BLF; Md. Jahangir Shaah, Aganagar Union Parishad, Keraniganj; Md. Tafazzal Hossain, Joint Secretary, Employers Association; Md. Jakir Hossain Pannu, President, Trade Union addressed in the meeting. In his speech, the Secretary mentioned that the Government has taken a case study to eliminate child labour from Keraniganj within 2023 aligning to achieve SGDs within the timeline among other sectors. He mentioned that Child Labour should stop for every sector and the government if committed nationally and internationally to do so. He told the related department to take all sorts of plan and proceedings within a short time to eliminate child labour from Keraniganj and rehabilitate them through inform education and Skill Development Training and also make a plan for their family’s lively hood. He expressed that he will monitor with this department to see the outcomes all way through. Workers, Employers, Employers Associations, Basic Trade Unions Leaders, Community People were present in the event and given their consent with the government decisions to eliminate all forms of child labour from Keraniganj.

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